Nicci Handbags at TSC

At TSC, we proudly carry the latest styles for all of your travel and handbag needs, including the always-on-trend and practical collections brought to you by Nicci Handbags. From leather waist bags to complete 3-piece hard shell luggage sets, luggage organizers, and spacious travel totes, you’ll find just what you need to keep yourself organized while running daily errands, enjoying a luxurious weekend getaway, or jet setting off on a month-long backpacking trip. Your adventure begins with Nicci Handbags! Nicci Handbags offers compact, lightweight, and affordable items designed for the everyday modern traveller who values both fashion and function. Maximize space and stay organized wherever you go with the chic folding Nicci Travel Tote Bag. Available in a cool grey colour, this simply-stated travel essential features multiple interior and exterior compartments so that you can store your belongings easily. You’ll be able to safely secure valuables like your money, cellphone, and keys in the discreet front zipper pocket while carrying your travel must-haves like clothing, cosmetics, and accessories in the main interior compartment. The bag’s practical polyester material repels water, so you can rest assured knowing your items will always stay dry. Make getting to your next destination fun and easy with the Nicci Foldable Backpack! This ultra-convenient, stylish, hands-free option is perfect for casual everyday wear to school or the office or as a carry on when you travel. This lightweight, waterproof, and tear-resistant backpack features a convertible front pocket and two side pockets for additional storage and is available in three attractive colours: dark blue, vibrant red, and mustard yellow. No matter where you’re headed, you’ll move effortlessly with the practical travel and everyday accessories offered by the Nicci Handbags collection available at TSC. With a range of elegant styles and colours to choose from, we’re confident you’ll find exactly what you’ve been looking for in a travel companion.