Proudly Canadian Sale
Product Overview

What it is: 
This is a five-piece nail strengthening, brightening and sealing collection.

Who it is for:
This set is suitable for anyone.  

What it does:
The Gel Coat Nail formula instantly strengthens, seals and protects natural nails so they can grow out strong and beautiful. The Pink and and Ruby Pink Gel Coat contain an optical brightener to filter out yellow appearance in the nail. My Favorite Topcoat can be used on top of Gel Coat colour or any nail polish for a glossy, long lasting finish.                                  

What is included:
• Pink Gel Coat, Clear Gel Coat, Taupe Gel Coat Color, Powder Pink Gel Coat Color (5 ml)—valued at $37
• Perfect Formula Top Coat (18 ml)—valued at $24.40

*As offered for sale separately 


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